Effective Oral Communication
CPEs: 7
|CEUs: 0.7
Classroom, Virtual
Who Should Attend
This course is designed for all Federal employees and contractors interested in developing their overall communication skills, including speaking in front of groups, improving one-on-one communication skills, and communicating assertively and persuasively.
What You Will Learn
- Discover the three “P”s for effectively speaking in front of a group.
- Develop confidence in your speaking skills.
- Learn practical tips that help you say what you mean and make the best impression on others.
- Understand how to communicate effectively under pressure and keep your cool.
- Organize, plan, and prepare your message.
- Speak more creatively and persuasively.
- Speak clearly and specifically.
- Answer questions and think on your feet.
- Learn the "stop" and "go" signals for oral communication—what to do and what to avoid.
- Take your personal inventory – where are you today and where do you want to be tomorrow?
Why You Should Attend
Oral communication skills are critical to success in just about any career field. This course will help you develop your skills in a practical, exciting, and relaxed learning environment. You will learn while having fun!