Position Classification
CPEs: 28
|CEUs: 2.8
Classroom, Virtual
Who Should Attend
This course is open to anyone planning to enter into or already in the human resources profession, including HR professionals, HR assistants, and administrative and management support professionals and assistants. It is also designed to provide awareness to other individuals in organizations who have a need to understand the basic principles and practices of position classification in the Federal government, including supervisors, managers, and other non-HR professionals.
Course Description
This course is designed to provide students with a fundamental understanding of the position classification system in the Federal Government. The Federal hiring process begins with a manager/supervisor developing a position description which describes the duties and responsibilities that will be assigned to a particular job vacancy. It is the responsibility of the Human Resources Office to work with managers/supervisors and other hiring officials, assisting them in navigating the classification process. Additionally, the Human Resources Office must determine the final classification of a position and assign to the position description the appropriate occupational series, title, and grade level of the position.
Our expert instructor, with over 25 years experience in the field, will guide students through this entire process.
Course Objectives
At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to:
• Understand the basis for classifying jobs in the Federal Government.
• Understand the laws and regulations pertaining to position classification.
• Distinguish between GS, Wage Grade, and Senior Executive Service positions.
• Distinguish one grade interval job patterns and two grade interval patterns.
• Write a position description.
• Classify positions under the Factor Evaluation System.
• Know the difference between Supervisory and Team Leader positions.
• Prepare for a Desk Audit.
• Prepare a written Evaluation Statement.
• Understand Position Management.
• Determine the Fair Labor Standards Act designation of a position.
• Advise on the Classification Appeals process.
• Understand the Reorganization Process and Organizational Structures.